Op donderdag 7 november aanstaande, van 14.00 tot 18.00, zal de eerste bijeenkomst van de Belgian webMethods User Group plaatst hebben in Moonbeat, Oude Brusselsestraat 10, 2800 Mechelen. Meer informatie bij stefan.dewandeleir@i8c.be, +32 (0)3 451 36 60.
Eerste Belgian webMethods User Group Conferentie
Op donderdag 7 november aanstaande, van 14.00 tot 18.00, zal de eerste bijeenkomst van de Belgian webMethods User Group plaatst hebben in Moonbeat, Oude Brusselsestraat 10, 2800 Mechelen. Meer informatie bij stefan.dewandeleir@i8c.be, +32 (0)3 451 36 60.
ESET Scores High in VB100 Comparative Review on Windows 7 Pro
CEO of ESET North America Andrew Lee Holds Keynote Speech at
VB 2013 Conference: Ethics and the AV industry in the Age of WikiLeaks
Bratislava, Berlin - ESET, the global leader in proactive
digital protection with a record of 10 years in consecutive VB100 awards with its ESET NOD32 technology, has earned another VB100 Award, already 81st,
from Virus Bulletin, UK-based independent security software testing authority.
Its product ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 scored high in all categories of the latest test
on Windows 7 Pro OS. In addition, ESET
research teams will have a strong presence
at the VB 2013 Conference starting today in Berlin, including Andrew Lee, CEO
ESET North America, opening with a keynote speech titled Ethics and the AV industry in the age of WikiLeaks.
In its latest August comparative review, Virus Bulletin
has called ESET a “provider with a
flawless record” and refered to ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 as “simple to install”, “very speedy updates” “combining unfussy good looks with
comprehensive finetuning controls”. And VB continues: “ESET adds another VB100 award to its tally, maintaining its 100% pass
record going back over a decade”. ESET
NOD32 technology has received more VB100 awards than any other AV software
vendor on the market.
From October 2 until October 4, 2013, ESET researchers
are taking part and presenting at the Virus Bulletin 2013 Conference in
Berlin with Andrew Lee, CEO ESET North America, delivering a keynote speech.
“The events of the last few years from
Bradley Manning to Edward Snowden have brought with them a tranche of new
ethical issues. On the one hand the 'old-school' approach is to see malware,
detect malware, but it is increasingly likely that in future (if not already)
companies will come under pressure from government agencies and perhaps be
compelled by law, to avoid detection, disclose data or report on customer
activity. Is there a need for a collective response from the industry?,”
states Andrew Lee in his conference abstract which highlights the content and
philosophy of his address. “What are the
issues around trusting sample or vulnerability sharing with companies known to
share (or to be compelled to share) such information with governments?,”
continues CEO of ESET North America. In his keynote speech, Andrew Lee aims not
to provide definitive answers, but tries to open a wider conversation by
examining some of the issues and asking the relevant questions.
In addition, ESET researchers are presenting
the following papers:
- What can Big Data Security learn from the AV industry?
– Stephen Cobb, ESET Security Evangelist, ESET Malware Researcher,
delivers paper, where he examines
the history of pioneering threat data, exchanged over time between
competing vendors, private enterprises, public institutions, and
non-governmental organizations, sharing of lessons that can inform the evolution
of Big Data Security. Big Data Security is this year's hot information
security concept, a key element encompassing the use of shared threat
data, along with internal data, to detect and mitigate threats to
information systems.
- The Real Time Threat List – in this
presenatation the authors, Righard Zwienenberg, ESET Senior Research
Fellow, Richard Ford from the Florida Institute of Technology, and Thomas
Wegele from Avira, explore the
shortcomings of the WildList, and introduce their solution, the Real Time
Threat List (RTTL).
- ACAD/Medre: industrial espionage in Latin America?
- Robert Lipovsky, ESET
Security Intelligence Team Leader and
Sebastian Bortnik,
ESET Latin America Education & Research Manager will showcase the
investigation of a series of events of an impactful ACAD/Medre, a
signature created for a piece of malware attacking the popular design
- Mac hacking: the way to better testing? –
ESET Research Fellow David Harley with ESET Security Researcher Lysa Myers
will elaborate on Mac security: Macs
have fewer threats and there are fewer prior tests on which to base a
testing methodology, so establishing sound mainstream testing is tricky.
But as both Macs and Mac malware increase in prevalence, the importance of
testing the software intended to supplement the internal security of OS X
increases too. Their paper looks to examine the testing scenarios that are
unique to Macs and OS X, and offers some possibilities for ways to create
a test that is both relevant and fair.
Software AG’s Innovation World: What do Airlines, Dairy Farms, Banks, Telecoms and Healthcare Companies have in common?
They need to go digital - leaders from over 15 industries and 35 countries meet to discuss the road to the Digital Enterprise at Software AG’s global user conference in San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Software AG will kick-off its annual global user’s conference, Innovation World, on October 8 in San Francisco. The event brings together prominent global customers from many industries with common challenges and a common need to differentiate in increasingly global markets. This year the focus is on how to maximize the new business opportunities and competitive advantages provided by the accelerating digitization of the business world and the public sector. This reflects how IT strategy is now a critical component in driving new business models to address rapidly changing markets and customer expectations. Software AG will also announce new solutions that will help customers leverage their current assets to run an adaptive IT architecture and provide new ways to create differentiating products and services for their customers.
At Innovation World, which sees a 20 percent increase in attendance in 2013, Software AG and customers will discuss today’s market trends of big fast data, cloud, social and mobile capabilities and the need to digitize every aspect of their operations. Customers will present how they have moved towards the Digital Enterprise and the business advantages this has brought.
“Software AG is committed to helping enterprises realize their true potential in the digital era,” said Karl-Heinz Streibich, CEO and Chairman of the Board at Software AG. “As these forces – big fast data, social, mobile and cloud – converge to create opportunities for every industry, we are creating tangible and intelligent roadmaps to their future success.”
Reflecting the impact that digitization is having on every industry, speakers from the finance sector, transportation, food & beverages, pharmaceuticals and state government will present their successful digital strategies. Software AG will announce new products helping customers to build their digital enterprises as well as launch the Digital Enterprise Assessment.
The Digital Enterprise Assessment is a new offering to guide customers through the convergence of multiple new technologies (Big Fast Data, Cloud, Mobile & Social) in planning their digital strategy. Based on global best practice for IT architectures, regulatory compliance, methods and controls, the Digital Enterprise Assessment provides a secure and fast path to time to value. The key to customer success is based on utilizing dozens of existing industry best practices and methodologies from thousands of successful IT projects.
Premier sponsors of this year’s event include: CrossVista, Deloitte, HCL, ProSoft and Visual Enterprise Architecture. Gold sponsors include: Cognizant, CrossVale, IBM, LogiMethods, Qualitroltech, Tata Consultancy Services, and Trillium Software.
ESET Launches Root Detector Kit for Mac OSX
ESET® Rootkit Detector is a new security tool for Mac® OS X
that scans for malicious kernel extensions attempting to change operating
system behavior by hooking inside the OS. When the rogue kernel extensions hook
inside the OS X, they can bypass any security measure thus allowing complete
access of system privileges.
“ESET Rootkit Detector
is a simple and effective tool for detection of rootkits on OS X platforms.
With this tool we aim to help the users to detect modifications in the OS X
kernel memory, that might indicate presence of a rootkit in the system,”
says Pierre-Marc Bureau, ESET Security Intelligence Program Manager.
Over the course of last year, ESET has observed multiple
rootkits targeting OS X. With rootkit codes readily available online, systems
have been compromised without the knowledge of the owner. Rootkits such as OSX/Morcut and OSX/Crisis have
been used to spy and steal information of unsuspecting users.
ESET Rootkit detector provides an intuitive and user
friendly way to check the integrity of the kernel and provide information about
potential problems. It supports Snow Leopard (10.6.0) up to the latest version
of Mountain Lion (currently 10.9.3). Additionally, it works on Intel 32-bit and
64-bit kernel.
For more information on the
investigation of the rootkits targeting OS X visit WeLiveSecurity
blog post or ESET
Rootkit Detector product page.
Software AG and Loqate partner to enhance data quality solution
AG’s webMethods OneData master data management solution to integrate Loqate’s
address verification technology
Software AG, a global leader in business processes,
integration and big data, today announced a new partnership with Loqate, a
leader in international address verification, which will provide powerful
address validation and geocoding capabilities to business processes, services
applications and business intelligence systems. Software AG will offer and
support the Loqate Engine as an integrated component of webMethods
OneData, the company’s master data management (MDM) platform.
“In today’s expanding
digital enterprise, having the highest quality data possible to drive business
processes and analytics isn’t just a best practice, it’s a necessity,” said Jay Johnson, President & CEO, Software AG
North America and member of the Group Executive Board. “Loqate’s address validation and geocoding
technologies provide another layer of richness to refine existing and captured
datasets. This in turn lets our customers unlock new data potentials to drive
more efficient and effective business processes.”
By combining the
Loqate Engine with Software AG’s Integration platform and solutions, customers
will now have a higher level of data quality with Loqate’s address capture,
verification and geocoding technologies.
In addition to
enriching data by providing missing attributes such as postal codes,
integrating Loqate’s technology with Software AG will provide customers with
solutions to help refine and cleanse disparate geolocation data and to
automatically normalize data to enhance matching operations (e.g. “New Jersey”
to “NJ”).
“Address data is an
asset that drives business processes in almost every business function,” said
Martin Turvey, President and CEO, Loqate. “Cleaner data drives better location
intelligence and ultimately, leads to more informed and accurate business
decisions, affecting the bottom line.”
With the integration
of Loqate technology into Software AG’s product portfolio, customers will be
able to purchase it as part of Software AG’s MDM solution and support will be
provided by Software AG.
ESET a détecté “Hesperbot”, un cheval de Troie bancaire sophistiqué qui infecte les plates-formes Android en Europe et en Turquie
Le laboratoire de recherche du quartier général d’ESET, spécialisé
en maliciels, a découvert un nouveau cheval de Troie bancaire, très efficace,
qui prend pour cible les utilisateurs de services bancaires en ligne, en Europe
et en Asie. Sous le couvert de campagnes de diffusion particulièrement
crédibles concernant des organisations dignes de confiance, pour tromper ses
victimes et les amener à utiliser le maliciel. Cette menace, révélée tout
récemment, a déjà eu pour effet de délester plusieurs victimes de leurs avoirs
En s’appuyant sur des données
LiveGrid® - le système de collecte de maliciels, basé cloud, d’ESET -,
plusieurs centaines de contaminations ont ainsi pu être détectées en Turquie et
plusieurs dizaines d’autres en République tchèque, au Royaume-Uni et au
Portugal. Ce maliciel bancaire sophistiqué et très puissant, baptisé Hesperbot,
se propage par le biais de courriels de type hameçonnage (phishing) et tente
également d’infecter des équipements mobiles fonctionnant sous Android, Symbian
et Blackberry.
Cette menace Win32/Spy.Hesperbot
se caractérise par un potentiel d’enregistrement de frappes, est capable de
générer des captures d’écran d’ordinateur de bureau et des captures vidéo, et
active un proxy distant. Il inclut également un certain nombre de pièges plus
élaborés, tels que la création d’une connexion à distance masquée vers le
système infecté.
“En analysant cette menace, nous
nous sommes aperçus que nous avions affaire à un cheval de Troie bancaire qui
présente des fonctions similaires et poursuit des objectifs identiques à ceux
des tristement célèbres Zeus et SpyEye. Toutefois, quelques différences
notoires dans le mode d’implémentation indiquent qu’il s’agit là d’une nouvelle
famille de maliciels et non d’une variante d’un cheval de Troie déjà
identifié”, déclare Robert Lipovsky, chercheur d’ESET spécialisé en maliciels,
qui dirige l’équipe chargée d’analyser la nouvelle menace. “Les produits
d’ESET, tels que les ESET Smart Security et ESET Mobile Security, apportent une
protection contre ce maliciel”, ajoute-t-il.
Les auteurs de l’attaque visent à
obtenir les identifiants de connexion qui leur donneront accès au compte
bancaire de la victime, amenant par ailleurs cette dernière à installer un
composant mobile du maliciel sur son téléphone Symbian, Blackberry ou Android.
La campagne de maliciels tchèque
a débuté le 8 août 2013. Les auteurs de l’attaque ont enregistré le nom de
domaine www.ceskaposta.net, qui est fort proche du nom du
véritable site Internet de la Poste tchèque. “Il n’y a sans doute rien
d’étonnant à ce que les auteurs de l’attaque aient tenté d’amener leurs
victimes potentielles à ouvrir le maliciel en leur envoyant des courriels-hameçons
ayant toutes les apparences d’informations de suivi de colis émanant de la
Poste. Cette technique a déjà été utilisée à de maintes reprises par le passé”,
souligne Robert Lipovsky. Les services tchèques de la Poste ont réagi très
rapidement en publiant, sur leur site Internet, une mise en garde à propos de
cette tentative d’escroquerie.
Actuellement, la Turquie est le
pays le plus touché par ce cheval de Troie bancaire. Les détections de
Hesperbot y sont même antérieures au 8 août et des recrudescences récentes dans
les activités de réseaux de zombies (botnets) ont ainsi été observées en
juillet 2013 mais ESET a également trouvé des échantillons plus anciens qui
remontent au moins au mois d’avril de cette année. Le courriel-hameçon qui a
été envoyé à des victimes potentielles était censé être une facture. Une
variante du maliciel a également été trouvée, maraudant sur Internet. Son
intention était de viser des utilisateurs informatiques au Portugal et au
Pour assurer la flexibilité de ses besoins stratégiques, Ethias choisit Software AG
Ethias, le quatrième assureur de Belgique, désirait
trouver une solution qui lui permettrait
de mettre rapidement en œuvre les
flux métiers critiques existants et futurs, avec comme objectif final
l’accroissement de la satisfaction des clients. Pour le déploiement d’une
solution « Architecture Orientée Service » destinée à rencontrer ses
besoins stratégiques en flexibilité et agilité, l’assureur a choisi webMethods
de Software AG.
La solution qui repose sur webMethods Enterprise Service Bus et sur la
suite Business Process Management de Software AG, permettra de répondre
rapidement aux besoins présents et ainsi qu’à leur évolution future. Le
déploiement de la solution a été confié à NRB (Liège et Bruxelles), un des
plus importants fournisseurs de services informatiques en Belgique.
A propos d’Ethias
Avec plus d’un million
d’hommes et de femmes qui lui font confiance et adhèrent à ses valeurs, Ethias
est aujourd’hui le 4e assureur du pays et le préféré des Belges.Consciente de
sa responsabilité sociale, sociétale et environnementale, notre entreprise se
distingue depuis le début de son histoire par son envie et sa capacité
d’innover durablement. Chacune de nos actions est guidée par une stratégie
globale basée sur cette responsabilité et les engagements qui en découlent.
C’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons signé le pacte mondial des Nations Unies, fil rouge de
notre démarche RSE. Créée en 1919 dans un esprit mutualiste, notre entreprise
est désormais un groupe dont l’actionnariat est constitué de l’Etat fédéral, de
la Région Wallonne, de la Région flamande et d’Ethias Droit Commun. Nos assurés
sont les pouvoirs publics, les entreprises et les particuliers avec qui nous
entretenons des relations directes mutuellement profitables et basées sur une
confiance réciproque. Nous pensons que nos valeurs, notre stratégie, nos
engagements et nos actions sont à la base de cette confiance, forgent nos
résultats et contribuent à déterminer notre positions sur le marché.
ESET Tops the Security Software Consumer Satisfaction in Japan for the 3rd Time
ESET®, the
global leader in proactive digital protection with a record of 10 years
consecutive VB100 awards for its award-winning ESET NOD32® technology, has been for the thrid time in a row announced the
leader in Consumer Satisfaction Survey by the Kadokawa ASCII
General Research Institute* in Japan.
“This is the 3rd
consecutive win** for ESET which confirms ESET product lines are the top choice
for Japanese consumer segment customers among paid products: leading in eleven
out of twelve categories. ESET is the brand of choice for users, who value low
demand on the device’s system, fast and high detection levels in AV solutions,“ says Parvinder Walia, Marketing Director for ESET
has again obtained the top 88.4 points
score which is 13 points higher than the closest competitor, Kaspersky® and more than 10 points
higher than Kingsoft®, the winner of the non-paid AV category. ESET security
solutions were ranked as the best among paid AV products in several categories,
including the Response Speed of Resident Software, Security Performance,
Support categories.
“ESET is proud to gain ongoing honors from
ASCII and support from consumers from the Japaneese market, especially thanks
to the operations of our long-term partner in Japan - Canon IT Solutions,” says
Ignacio Sbampato, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer. “The Japaneese customer base of ESET, known for having high standards
on technological quality, service and technical support in Internet Security
solutions is growing year by year. Big thanks also goes to ESET teams all over the
world working hard to accommodate their needs by improving and developing
products’ core functionalities, valued for more than two decades by millions
worldwide,” elaborates Sbampato.
Products Lead in Overall Consumer Satisfaction in Japan (Kadokawa ASCII General
Research Institute)
Satisfaction Rating (after purchase)
(Canon IT Solutions partner company in Japan)
88.4 points
75.0 points
73.4 points
Buster series
68.5 points
security ZERO series
64.9 points
64.6 points
Kadokawa ASCII General Research Institute Survey took place on
the end of August 2013 and respondents were part of Kadokawa ASCII General Research monitor group (including
readers of magazines Shukan ASCII Weekly publication, Mac People, etc.). The respondents evaluated the individual
features and overall impression of each company’s product line by ratings “very good” (100 points), “good”, “moderate”, “bad” and “very bad” (0 points).
* Previous
company name: ASCII General Research Institute
**It is the 3rd
consecutive (2009, 2012, 2013) win for ESET. The research was not conducted in
year 2010 and 2011.
NorthgateArinso kiest voor Software AG om dienstverlening aan de klanten nog te verbeteren
één van de belangrijkste spelers in de wereld van human resources, telt een
aantal zeer grote klanten die het bedrijf het internationale beheer van hun HR
behoeften toevertrouwen. Dit zijn zeer complexe processen met grote variaties van
land tot land en van klant tot klant, wat ook de verwerking van zeer hoge
datavolumes met zich meebrengt. NorthgateArinso besloot om hiervoor met
Software AG in zee te gaan en diens ESB en BPMS oplossing te gebruiken om de
integratie van nieuwe klanten te versnellen, alsook de dienstverlening aan de
bestaande klanten nog te verbeteren dankzij een verhoogde automatisatie van de
dataverwerking. Om dit project van bijzonder strategisch belang tot een goed
einde te brengen, wordt het uitgevoerd in samenwerking met systeemintegrator
Ferrologic (Heverlee).
Steve Vereecke, VP Global
Technology en CTO van NorthgateArinso: “Wat
de doorslag heeft gegeven in onze keuze is dat Software AG vanaf dag 1 met een
partner is binnengestapt, zijnde Ferrologic. De samenwerking heeft snel geleid
tot een succesvolle Proof of Concept die ons heeft overtuigd van de mogelijkheden
van het product en de snelheid waarmee we een configuratie kunnen opzetten.”
Eerder dit jaar werd NorthgateArinso als leider gepositioneerd in
Gartner’s “2013 Magic Quadrant for
Payroll BPO Services”. Ook Software AG is door de analystenbureau’s Gartner
en Forrester als leider benoemd in 15 marktcategorieën.
ESET Secure Authentication Solution Adds Integration to Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 and VMware Horizon View
ESET®, the global leader in proactive digital protection
with a record of 10 years consecutive VB100 awards for its award-winning ESET
NOD32® technology, has updated its authentication IT security product and is
taking advantage of native support of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, VMware
Horizon View, and many other VPNs, making ESET Secure Authentication more
attractive for businesses using these VPN appliances wanting to protect their
sensitive infrastructure and data. This mobile-based solution - a highly secure
mobile two-factor one-time-password (2FA OTP) authentication system, ensures
safer access to company network when end-users use their mobile phones to
connect to company networks.
This simple and lightweight IT security solution
provides yet another layer to the authentication process besides the regular
username/password. ESET Secure Authentication works with iPhone, Android,
BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7 and 8, Windows Mobile and J2ME-based phones. The
solution even supports authentication based on SMS messages thus supporting
older mobile phones unable to run the application. It is a client/server system
where the server provisions the one-time-password and the client displays it so
the user can use it for authentication in a supported system.
„Securing small and medium businesses’ assets and know-how, the updated
version of ESET Secure Authentication comes with integrated Microsoft Exchange
Server 2013 and VMware Horizon View,” says Marek Chorvat,
Business Project Manager. „Easy to
install and easy to deploy ESET Secure Authentication is a cross platform
solution which doesn’t drain your resources and adds noticeable layer of
protection to your intellectual property,“ adds Chorvat.
Designed to be very simple to install, easy to configure and convenient
to manage, the solution by default integrates with the most broadly used
services and protocols, now adding the widely used VMware Horizon View
integration. Being on the market for several months protecting Outlook Web Access/App (and now also in
Microsoft Exchange Server 2013) and RADIUS, ESET Secure Authentication is
now easy to be integrated for authentication into various other VPN Appliances: Barracuda SSL, Check Point Software SSL, Cisco
ASA (IPSec), Cisco ASA SSL, Citrix Access Gateway SSL, Citrix NetScaler SSL, F5 FirePass SSL, Fortinet
FortiGate SSL, Juniper SSL, Palo Alto SSL, SonicWall SSL.
Secure Authentication is another addition to ESET portfolio of solutions
protecting company data in the age of mobile technologies, which is supported on Windows Server - 2003, 2003 R2,
2008, 2008 R2, 2012. Throughout 2013, the solution was already
launched in more than 20 countries including United Kingdom, France, South
Africa, Czech Republic, Slovakia, New Zealand, Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Mexico, Peru, United States, Canada, Germany, Poland, Netherlands,
Spain, Ireland, Middle East, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal and Romania. The client application is available in these
languages: English, German, Russian, French, Spanish and Slovak.
Highlights of Key Benefits
Broad Mobile Platform
Support: Users using most of the
modern mobile devices including iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7
and 8, Windows Mobile, and J2ME-based phones can be protected via this
solution. The preferred authentication vector is the ESET Secure Authentication
mobile application. This application is downloaded to the end-user’s mobile
phone, allowing generating secure, one-time passwords. As a bootstrapping and
additional authentication vector, text-based SMS messages are supported for
users who cannot install, or have not yet installed, the mobile application.
Familiar Management
Environment (MMC and ADUC plugin): Windows Administrators will value from an easy day-to-day Active
Directory user-level administration that utilizes the familiar Active Directory
Users & Computers management tool, as well as from the integration with the
frequently used Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
Configuration: Installation of the
mobile application is designed to be simple and seamless, starting with a “double-click” installer. The user clicks on a
link in a text message, which installs the application.
For further details on highlighted features
and benefits, visit the ESET Secure Authentication product page.
Dans la perspective du CeBIT 2014, Software AG lance un concours d’idées qui s’adresse aux universités, partout dans le monde
département des Relations universitaires de Software AG a lancé un concours
international d’idées “CeBIT 2014” pour les étudiants et membres du corps
professoral des universités. La société invite les professeurs et les
étudiants, de toutes les universités, à soumettre leurs propositions créatives
en vue de présenter un projet témoin lors du CeBIT 2014. Le projet devra mettre
en lumière les technologies de Software AG et démontrer le potentiel de ses
logiciels dans le cadre des quatre grandes tendances que sont le “big data”, la
mobilité, les plates-formes sociales et les services cloud. Le projet lauréat
bénéficiera d’un financement à hauteur
de 10.000 euros pour son implémentation.
Les produits
Software AG aident les entreprises à atteindre plus rapidement leurs objectifs
opérationnels. Les technologies big data, intégration et processus métier de la
société permettent aux clients d’accroître leur efficience opérationnelle, de
moderniser leurs systèmes et d’optimiser leurs processus en vue de formuler des
décisions mieux fondées et de proposer de meilleurs services. Aujourd’hui, la
société invite les étudiants et les professeurs, partout dans le monde, à
développer un modèle business et technologique convaincant afin de démontrer
concrètement les avantages que les sociétés peuvent retirer du catalogue
Software AG. Le meilleur modèle, une fois sélectionné, fera l’objet d’une
démonstration sur le stand de Software AG au CeBIT 2014 et sera présenté au
public du salon par les étudiants.
Les visiteurs
ont beaucoup apprécié la démonstration Smart FactoryKL’s
Augmented Manufacturing organisée à l’occasion du dernier
CeBIT. La “production augmentée” imaginée par SmartFactoryKL
représente un espace de travail contextualisé qui, à l’aide de la réalité
augmentée, guide un individu au travers de processus complexes de production.
Le système, combiné à la solution ARIS MashZone, est implémenté sous forme
d’appli gérée sur tablette et procure un support novateur, révolutionnaire, aux
travailleurs de l’industrie de l’assemblage.
Le concours de
cette année est désormais ouvert et les personnes intéressées peuvent en
envoyant un message à university@softwareag.com avant
le 20 septembre 2013. Le concept doit être soumis avant le 18 octobre 2013. Les
vainqueurs seront avertis le 4 novembre 2013 et peuvent bénéficier d’un
financement à hauteur de 10.000 euros pour implémenter le projet témoin en vue
de sa présentation au CeBIT 2014, qui se déroulera du 10 au 14 mars 2014.
Pour toute
information complémentaire ainsi que pour prendre connaissance des conditions
et obtenir les formulaires d’inscription, consultez le site CeBIT
Idea Contest.
À propos de Software AG
Software AG (FRA : SOW) aide les organisations à atteindre plus rapidement leurs
objectifs professionnels. Les technologies Big Data,
d’intégration et de processus métier de l’entreprise permettent à ses clients
de gagner en efficacité opérationnelle, de moderniser leurs systèmes et
d’optimiser leurs processus afin de prendre des décisions plus intelligentes et
d’offrir un meilleur service. Innovant depuis plus de 40 ans en fonction des
besoins de ses clients, l’entreprise est classée comme leader dans 15 secteurs du marché, notamment grâce à des gammes de
produits de pointe tels qu’Adabas et Natural, ARIS, Terracotta et webMethods
ainsi qu’Alfabet et
Apama. Software AG compte environ 5.300 employés dans 70 pays
et a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de 1,05 milliard d’euros en 2012. Pour en
savoir plus : www.softwareag.com.
Software AG - Get There Faster
Des informations presse concernant Software AG, y compris des illustrations et une base de données multimédia sont disponibles sur www.softwareag.com/press
ESET brengt volledig nieuwe versie van ESET Mobile Security for Android
All-in-one app biedt nog betere detectie alsook nieuwe gratis en te
betalen functies
ESET, kondigt vandaag de
wereldwijde beschikbaarheid aan van de volledig hertekende ESET® Mobile
Security for Android. De nieuwe generatie van mobiele producten biedt een
verbeterde scanning, een anti-phishing module en een volledig hertekende
gebruikersinterface. Met ESET Mobile Security for Android zullen gebruikers van
android smartphones en tablets veiliger de technologische voordelen van hun
toestellen kunnen genieten met een bescherming tegen bedreigingen zowel uit de
reële als uit de digitale wereld.
“De toename van mobiele malware en de populariteit van android
toestellen zorgen voor een perfecte storm aan risico’s in zake
cyberbeveiliging,” zegt Marc Mutelet, CEO van MGK Technologies, invoerder van
ESET voor BELUX. “ESET verheugt zich een volledig hertekende versie van zijn
mobiele security app aan te bieden, met innoverende functies die gevoelige data
tegen bedreigingen beschermt en de gebruikers gemoedsrust geeft als ze op
internet surfen of applicaties downloaden”, aldus Mutelet.
Belangrijkste eigenschappen van
ESET Mobile Security for Android:
· Verbeterde
antivirus bescherming & scannen — ESET Mobile
Security is een van de weinig mobiele beveiligingsproducten voor Android met
een uitgebreide antivirus motor die zowel bekende als nog onbekende
bedreigingen detecteert, inclusief de onlangs
ontdekte kwetsbaarheden met betrekking tot Android Master Key.
Deze versie verbetert de detectie en de prestaties door te scannen op
variabele dieptes (snel/slim/diep) en met geplande en achtergrond scanfuncties.
· Gloednieuwe
gebruikersinterface — Nu ook afgestemd op tablets, in
portret of landschap oriëntatie, en ook gebruiksvriendelijker en makkelijk bij
het tikken.
· Start-up
en antidiefstal wizard — Geniet van een nieuwe en
gebruiksvriendelijkere setup.
· Filteren
van SMS-berichten & oproepen — Blokkeert
SMS-berichten of inkomende oproepen op specifieke momenten.
· Veiligheidsaudit
— Controleert toestemmingen van geïnstalleerde apps zoals
locatiebepaling, toegang tot contacten, of in-app aankopen zodat
beveiligingsgaten gedicht worden.
· Verbeterde
anti-phishing module en ingebouwde USSD controlefuncties —
Beschermt tegen phishing en web-gebaseerde aanvallen door kwaadaardige
SMS-berichten, QR-codes, of URL-links.
· Gratis
en te betalen functies beschikbaar bij Google Play – Eens geïnstalleerd
vanuit de officiële Android app store zullen gebruikers gratis kunnen genieten
voor een onbeperkte periode van bepaalde functies van ESET Mobile Security for
Android. Upgraden naar een volledige versie van ESET Mobile Security for
Android kan vanuit de app voor een uitgebreide en complete bescherming tegen
zowel digitale als reële bedreigingen.
“Een van de objectieven met
deze nieuwe versie van ESET Mobile Security for Android was de bescherming nog
gebruiksvriendelijker te maken”, zegt Marc Mutelet. “De nieuwe
gebruikersinterface en de nieuwe opstartwizards zijn ontworpen omdat we weten
dat mobiele gebruikers uitkijken naar eenvoudige en krachtige
veiligheidsproducten die gemakkelijk te configureren zijn, weinig interactie en
weinig middelen vragen. De nieuwe versie werd ontworpen met mobiele gebruikers
in het achterhoofd zodat het product hen kan beschermen als ze hun mobiele
avonturen beleven.”
ESET Mobile Security for Android wordt aangeboden via
het web en Google Play. Met liefst 850,000 apps en games, miljoenen liedjes en
boeken en duizenden films van Google Play® is het ‘s werelds meest populaire
mobiele app store.
Volgens de analisten van Gartner had het Android
besturingssysteem een geschat marktaandeel van meer dan 60 procent in 2012*.
Door deze populariteit wordt dit een steeds meer aantrekkelijke doelgroep voor
cybercriminelen. Bovendien groeide Android malware tussen 2011 en 2012, met een
factor 17 volgens het nieuwste onderzoek van ESET inzake mobile cyberbedreigingen. ESET Mobile Security for Android heeft
gebruikers beschermd tegen sommige van de meest uitgebreide Android mobile
malware tot nog toe gedetecteerd, met inbegrip van de Android/TrojanSMS.Boxer.AA uit 2012.
ESET Mobile Security for
Android is ontworpen om de mobiele beveiliging van gebruikers te maximaliseren
zodat ze hun toestellen kunnen gebruiken in minder veilige omgevingen. Mobiele
gebruikers kunnen zich veilig voelen met de geavanceerde bescherming van ESET
als ze op het net surfen – vanaf een connectie op openbare Wi-Fi netwerken, bij
het bezoeken van oppervlakkige websites, klikken op verdachte e-mails of
downloaden via instant messages van apps van winkels en hun toestemmingen
In de nieuwste
evaluatie (latest evaluation) van Android antivirus
producten door AV-TEST Institute, een belangrijke, onafhankelijke
internationale onderzoekbedrijf in IT-beveiliging en antivirus, detecteerde
ESET Mobile Security for Android 99,7 procent van kwaadaardige apps en
behaalde de hoogste punten in bruikbaarheid.
Voor meer informatie over de groei van mobiele malware, ga naar ESET’s
Trends Report for 2013: http://go.eset.com/us/resources/white-papers/Trends_for_2013_preview.pdf
Om de gratis of betaalde functies vanaf ESET Mobile Security for Android
te testen, bezoek:
*Gartner rapport "Market
Share: Mobile Devices, Worldwide, 2Q12." http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2120015
Software AG Named Big Data Leader 2013
The Experton Group, a leading analyst and consulting
firm in Germany, has named Software AG “Big Data Leader 2013” in its recent Big
Data Vendor Benchmark*. Software AG, a “strategic pacesetter” has thus
successfully positioned itself in the big data market with its Terracotta
in-memory and big data analytics solutions. An attractive product and service
offering and a strong market and competitive position were prerequisites for
achieving “leader” status.
The Experton Group’s Big Data Vendor Benchmark 2013 is Germany’s
first report on this segment. It examined 68 companies that actively market
their products as big data solutions. Based on an evaluation of 100 different
criteria, vendors were ranked by their level of competitiveness and portfolio
appeal in various categories. Additional criteria were assessed for the
analytics category in which Software AG is positioned with Terracotta. For
example, concluded projects in which the processing of disparate data from multiple
sources was achieved made an especially favorable impression. Teracotta’s
mechanisms enabling fast data retrieval for a large number of users also earned
high marks. Here the benefits of Terracotta’s scalable in-memory technology
stood out significantly. The report specifically recognized Ehcache, BigMemory
and In-Genius from the Terracotta product family.
Holm Landrock, senior advisor at the Experton Group stated,
“Software AG’s Terracotta is an attractive solution portfolio that, combined
with the company’s consulting, services and IT expertise, offers business users
major benefits for their big data scenarios.”
The focus of Software AG’s big data platform is Fast Big Data,
which, rather than archiving and subsequently analyzing big data, emphasizes real-time
extraction of relevant KPIs and patterns from massive volumes of data for fast
access and use in business operations.
Dr. Jürgen Krämer, VP of CEP & Analytics at Software AG
commented, “We are very proud to be able to technologically support an IT
industry megatrend with our Terracotta products. With them we are guiding our
customers toward the Digital Enterprise and completely new business models and
*“Big Data Vendor Benchmark 2013, Big-Data-Anbieter im Vergleich,
Deutschland“; Analysis of the Experton Group AG, Munich, Germany; available on
ESET Has Received Its 80th VB100 Award and Celebrates a Record of 10 Years Consecutive VB100 Awards
BRATISLAVA – ESET, a global pioneer in proactive
protection for over 25-years, is celebrating an AV industry record - 10 years
of consecutive VB100 awards, as well as its record breaking already 80th
VB100 Award from Virus Bulletin, a well-known independent security software
testing organization. In both cases, ESET’s NOD32® technology has received more
VB100 awards than any other AV software vendor on the market.
”ESET has been a
part of VB’s comparative tests since the very beginning, way back in the late
nineties, and their products continue to put in excellent performances time
after time. We congratulate the team at ESET on reaching the very impressive
milestone of 80 VB100 awards, with a unique run of success over the last ten
full years, not failing or even missing a single test in all that time,” says John Hawes, Technical
Consultant and Test Team Director at Virus
Passing the „VB100“ certification reflects
overall capabilities of both - the tested AV product and the Research and
Development Team - in detecting all the so-called „In-the-Wild“ malware and
having zero false positives. „Not having
a single failure for ten years simply shows the high standard and
reliability of ESET software,“ says ESET Chief Research Officer Juraj
June 2013 Virus Bulletin Report on Windows Server 2012
confirms ESET has achieved impressive results in all categories: “The interface is similar to that of the
vendor’s usual consumer offerings: slick and stylish with an excellent level of
configuration available.” The Report adds: “Detection was splendid, with good scores everywhere, and no problems in
the WildList or clean sets.”
“At ESET, our
basic goal has always been to protect the users and their data, while having
minimum impact on system performance. ESET products are currently being used and
recommended by million users around the world and this VB100 Award is further
proof that they can feel safe online and enjoy cyberspace without worries,”
says Richard Marko, ESET Chief Executive Officer.
The 80th VB100 Award is not the only test and
certification[IM1] showing high quality of ESET
products on all platforms, where ESET is outperforming many competitors. During
2012, ESET won the PCMag
Consumer Recommended Award in its inaugural year for Security Suites and
Stand Alone Antivirus products. Feedback from around 25 million users worldwide
made us the most recommended company in the antivirus market. Similarly, ESET
scored high in TechTarget’s
Information Security Magazine Readers’ Choice Awards 2012. “It is the second year in a row that ESET has
received gold in our Readers' Choice awards, proving that the Slovakian firm is
a serious endpoint/antimalware contender”, said TechTarget.
[IM1]Recommendation for PR offices: please
use tests relevant for your market: e.g. ASCII Research;
Stiftung Warentest etc.
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