
ESET lance une nouvelle version de son ESET Remote Administrator

Le 21 janvier 2015 - ESET®, pionnière de la sécurité informatique depuis plus de deux décennies, annonce la disponibilité au niveau mondial de la mise à jour d’ESET Remote Administrator qui procure aux entreprises de nouveaux potentiels de gestion d’appareils iOS, de sécurité sans agent ainsi que l’outil de diagnostic ESET SysInspector®, à l’efficacité éprouvée.

Ayant hérité de fonctions telles qu’une gestion d’équipements mobiles pour iOS et une gestion ESET Virtualization Security, ESET Remote Administrator se positionne comme solution intéressante pour un éventail d’utilisateurs encore plus large.

ESET Mobile Device Management for iOS permet aux clients d’adopter pleinement le phénomène du BYOD (Bring Your Own Device, autrement dit la possibilité pour les employés d’utiliser leurs propres équipements sur leur lieu de travail). Les administrateurs peuvent désormais configurer aisément les paramètres de sécurité des dispositifs iOS en même temps que ceux d’autres équipements connectés au réseau de leur entreprise.

“La configuration du potentiel Mobile Device Management for iOS est particulièrement aisée. Il permet aux administrateurs de gérer, de configurer, de bloquer à distance et même d’effacer des appareils iOS mobiles”, déclare Marc Mutelet CEO de MGK Technologies, distributeur exclusif des produits ESET sur la Belgique et le Luxembourg. “L’ajout de cette fonction à la console de gestion à distance d’ESET transforme ESET Remote Administrator en véritable tableau de bord unique pour l’ensemble de leur environnement.”

ESET Remote Administrator supporte ESET Virtualization Security, le tout nouveau produit d’ESET qui procure une protection sans agent à la solution VMware vShield et qui a été lancé aujourd’hui. Afin de gérer et d’installer ESET Virtualization Security au sein d’un réseau, les administrateurs doivent simplement installer une ESET Virtualization Security Appliance sans interface graphique au coeur de leur infrastructure virtualisée VMware et la connecter à ESET Remote Administrator. Ils pourront ainsi configurer la solution à distance et exécuter des tâches sur les machines virtuelles, protégées en mode sans agent.

Par ailleurs, ESET SysInspector® est désormais intégré à ESET Remote Administrator. Cela a pour effet d’aider les administrateurs à assurer le pistage des incidents de sécurité et des modifications système au niveau de chaque point de terminaison, en utilisant pour ce faire des instantanés (“snapshots”) générés par l’ESET SysInspector.

ESET Remote Administrator est une console de télégestion indépendante de toute plate-forme, conçue afin de minimiser les temps d’indisponibilité tout en permettant aux actions de se dérouler automatiquement sur base d’une appartenance de groupe dynamique.

Pour en savoir visitez ESET Remote Administrator ou http://www.eset.com/int/business/

A propos d'ESET
Fondée en 1992, la société ESET est spécialisée dans la conception et le développement de logiciels de sécurité pour les entreprises et le grand public. Pionnier en matière de détection proactive des menaces véhiculées par l’Internet, ESET est aujourd'hui le leader dans ce domaine. À ce jour, l’antivirus ESET Nod32 détient le record mondial de récompenses décernées par le laboratoire indépendant Virus Bulletin depuis 1998. ESET Nod32, ESET Smart Security et ESET Cybersecurity pour Mac sont reconnus et appréciés par des millions d’utilisateurs dans le monde. Pour plus d’informations : http://www.eset.lu

Si vous désirez plus d’information sur ESET  ou pour tester un produit, contactez:

Catherine d'Adesky/Louise Biron                                   Marc Mutelet
Key Communications                                                  MGK Technologies
+32 2 230 40 72                                                                
catherine@keycommunications.be                                www.eset.lu


Software AG Dramatically Improves Retail Performance with New Smart Store Monitoring

              Facilitates real-time monitoring of ‘brick-and-mortar’ stores
              Delivers actionable insights enabling adjustments of real-time promotions and store staff assignments
              Allows retailers to fully exploit the full value of the Internet of Things

Software AG (Frankfurt TecDAX: SOW) today unveiled Smart Store Monitoring for the Digital Business Platform. Smart Store Monitoring provides retailers with real-time and predictive analysis capabilities in their ‘brick and mortar’ stores by enabling them to access, monitor and analyze large volumes of streaming data from in-store sensors and apps. Retailors can now gain immediate, actionable insights into how their promotions are performing and exploit the full value of the Internet of Things.

Oliver Guy, Retail Industry Director, Software AG, said: “These real-time insights could suggest retail managers should redeploy their staff to ‘hot areas’ in their store to meet high demand or persuade marketing managers to fine-tune promotions on the fly to better respond to different consumers in a particular location.”
According to a recent benchmark report from Retail Systems Research (RSR), underwritten by Software AG, retailers are keen to connect with consumers via smart devices and see an opportunity to offer new services based on consumer-driven data from IoT-enabled devices. They view store operations and customer engagement in stores as two of the top five departments that will benefit most from IoT (41% and 36%, respectively).

Oliver Guy noted: “The role of the store is expanding from a historically transaction-only point to an omni-channel hub at the center of all selling activities. Additionally, retailers are under immense pressure to provide a seamless, superior shopping experience to stay ahead of the competition. To benefit from the store’s shifting purpose and growing shopper expectations, retail managers must be able to track, monitor, analyze and optimize all in-store activity in real-time.”

Retailers are optimistic about the value of IoT in the store and they know that this new approach to data capture, analysis and action is needed. However, respondents to RSR’s report cited three technology barriers for all IoT projects – combining disparate data sources together, determining the best response to specific data events or expectations, and dealing with so much data from so many difference sources in real-time.

To overcome these barriers, Software AG’s Digital Business platform integrates a number of key technologies that critical to enable Smart Store Monitoring, including:
              Connectivity to all IoT-enabled data sources including in-store sensors and feeds, predictive models, in-store inventory management, point of service, external data or any other feeds.
              Provide real-time actionable insight as to what is happening in-store in real time – visible by both store staff and head-office merchandisers.
              Ability to automatically adjust in-store promotional activity, including signage, based on real-time consumer response.
              Ability to incorporate predictive models to initiate actions such as deploying additional staff or replenishing shelves at just the right moment.
              In-memory data management and real-time analytics tools ensure that information is readily accessible and actionable.
              Connectivity and process management tools ensure in-store processes can be managed, and automated where appropriate, to streamline omni-channel processes.

Oliver Guy continued: “With Smart Store Monitoring, retailers now have the critical data capabilities they need to track and act on all of the sensors and data feeds in a store – from point of sale data to shelf sensors - rendering IoT a retail reality.”
The Software AG Digital Business Platform solves the data, infrastructure and skills challenge for retailers. By bringing existing data together, in real-time, all key stakeholders in the retail environment can predict and foresee issues and opportunities within their organization. Merchandisers and promotion planners can access information streaming from the store’s sensors and in-store apps, giving them immediate insights into how promotions and campaigns are performing.

As RSR found, retailers view inventory accuracy (49%) and system-wide inventory visibility (40%) as two of the top three IoT opportunities. With the Digital Business Platform, sales managers and floor personnel can receive relevant details about a customer’s shopping history, store merchandise, inventory and product shipping information quickly.


Legal firms ‘risk compromising data over poor login security’

Firms in the legal sector are at risk of compromising information confidentiality because of poor data management practices, according to new research by IS Decisions.
Its paper, titled Legal and Law Enforcement: Information Access Compliance, found that, in particular, approaches to login security are extremely poor.
For example, the authors found that 28% of legal employees do not have a unique user login for their employer’s network. Shockingly, 23% do not require a login at all.
“The information that passes through legal professionals hands can be incredibly sensitive, and naturally attorney-client privilege must be taken into account,” said Francois Amigorena, CEO of IS Decisions.
“It is important to have a reliable system in place to manage and track access to this information and it doesn’t have to be a complicated process.
“This can be easily achieved with the right combination of implementing access control policies, applying user identity verification and improving user activity auditing.”
The study also revealed that approximately one third of new employees did not receive any security training when they joined a legal enterprise, while less than half of existing employees have subsequently received such training.
The findings come on the back of a legal security expert warning that cybercriminals are turning their attention to the legal sector.
Speaking earlier this month to Legal Compliance Today, Neil Wood, cyber threat management consultant at Aabyss Computers, said that when it comes to cybersecurity, law firms are akin to “low-hanging fruit”.
He continued: “Law firms are a prime target. A single successful breach can potentially cost tens of thousands of pounds, valuable confidential client data stolen and a practice’s brand can be really damaged.
“The legal sector is a ‘honey pot’ of information, client data and client funds.”