
One year later: EternalBlue exploit more popular now than during WannaCryptor outbreak

The infamous outbreak may no longer be causing mayhem worldwide but the threat that enabled it is still very much alive and posing a major threat to unpatched and unprotected systems
It’s been a year since the WannaCryptor.D ransomware (aka WannaCry and WCrypt) caused one of the largest cyber-disruptions the world has ever seen. And while the threat itself is no longer wreaking havoc around the world, the exploit that enabled the outbreak, known as EternalBlue, is still threatening unpatched and unprotected systems. And as ESET’s telemetry data shows, its popularity has been growing over the past few months and a recent spike even surpassed the greatest peaks from 2017.
The EternalBlue exploit targets a vulnerability (addressed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS17-010) in an obsolete version of Microsoft’s implementation of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, via port 445. In an attack, black hats scan the internet for exposed SMB ports, and if found, launch the exploit code. If it is vulnerable, the attacker will then run a payload of the attacker’s choice on the target. This was the mechanism behind the effective distribution of WannaCryptor.D ransomware across networks.
Interestingly, according to ESET’s telemetry, EternalBlue had a calmer period immediately after the 2017 WannaCryptor campaign: over the following months, attempts to use the EternalBlue exploit dropped to “only” hundreds of detections daily. Since September last year, however, the use of the exploit has slowly started to gain pace again, continually growing and reaching new heights in mid-April 2018.
One possible explanation for the latest peak is the Satan ransomware campaign seen around those dates, but it could be connected to other malicious activities as well.
We must stress that the infiltration method used by EternalBlue is not successful on devices protected by ESET. One of the multiple protection layers – ESET’s Network Attack Protection module – blocks this threat at the point of entry. This can be compared to a silent knocking on the door at 2 a.m. testing if someone is still up. As such activity is most likely driven by malicious intentions, the entrance is securely sealed off to keep the intruder out.
This was true during the WannaCryptor outbreak on May 12, 2017 as well as all previous and subsequent attacks by malicious actors and groups.
EternalBlue has enabled many high-profile cyberattacks. Apart from WannaCryptor, it also powered the destructive Diskcoder.C (aka Petya, NotPetya and ExPetya) attack in June 2017 as well as the BadRabbit ransomware campaign in Q4 2017. It was also used by the Sednit (aka APT28, Fancy Bear and Sofacy) cyberespionage group to attack Wi-Fi networks in European hotels.
The exploit has also been identified as one of the spreading mechanisms for malicious cryptominers. More recently, it was deployed to distribute the Satan ransomware campaign, described only a few days after ESET’s telemetry detected the mid-April 2018 EternalBlue peak.
The EternalBlue exploit was allegedly stolen from the National Security Agency (NSA) probably in 2016 and leaked online on April 14, 2017 by a group dubbed Shadow Brokers. Microsoft issued updates that fixed the SMB vulnerability on March 14, 2017, but to this day, there are many unpatched machines in the wild.
This exploit and all the attacks it has enabled so far highlight the importance of timely patching as well as the need for a reliable and multi-layered security solution that can block the underlying malicious tool.


Google rolls out .app domains with built-in HTTPS

The move is part of the company’s HTTPS-everywhere vision for the internet

Google has rolled out .app, a new top-level domain (TLD) that is the first to require encrypted HTTPS connections for all .app websites, according to an announcement by the search giant’s CIO Ben Fried.
The company opened up .app domains for registration as part of the Early Access Program on Google Registry on May 1. The domains will be up for grabs for the general public through other registrars from May 8.
“A key benefit of the .app domain is that security is built in—for you and your users. The big difference is that HTTPS is required to connect to all .app websites, helping protect against ad malware and tracking injection by ISPs, in addition to safeguarding against spying on open WiFi networks,” reads the press release.
The domain is geared towards app developers in particular, although, in fact, Domain Name Wire quoted a Google representative as saying in March that the domain is not reserved exclusively for them. Some of the early adopters of .app domains are featured on get.app.

 “Even if you spend your days working in the world of mobile apps, you can still benefit from a home on the web. With a memorable .app domain name, it’s easy for people to find and learn more about your app. You can use your new domain as a landing page to share trustworthy download links, keep users up to date, and deep link to in-app content,” according to the announcement.
Google, which paid $25 million for .app in 2015, controls a total of 45 TLDs, including .how, .dad, .eat, .soy, or .google. According to the global domain name authority ICANN, the internet has 1,543 TLDs as of May 4.
The move is part of Google’s HTTPS-everywhere vision for the internet. In February, for example, the company announced that Chrome 68, due in July of this year, will mark all HTTP websites as “not secure”.
Finally, a quick note: HTTPS, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, encrypts web traffic, making sure that submitted data is safe from prying eyes while in transmission. It is, therefore, important to check for the presence of HTTPS in the browser’s address bar whenever we submit sensitive data to a website. However, the protocol’s presence alone does not automatically guarantee safety from a number of other threats. Even a site that has HTTPS can be malicious: phishing sites, for example, have been increasingly embracing HTTPS.