Jaguar Land Rover a prolongé son contrat avec CHEP pour la prise en charge des besoins en matière d’emballage chez l’important constructeur automobile.
Cologne (Allemagne), le 9 juillet 2010 – Alors que Jaguar Land Rover se prépare à accroître sa production afin de répondre à la demande des consommateurs, la marque prestigieuse à prolongé son contrat avec CHEP, le fournisseur de pooling de palettes et de conteneurs. Jaguar Land Rover continuera à ’utiliser le petit conteneur KLT Full Service et le grand conteneur pliable FXC Managed Service de CHEP. CHEP fournit ces services à Jaguar Land Rover depuis 2000.
Jaguar Land Rover a identifié un certain nombre d’avantages spécifiques offerts par CHEP, y compris le fait de ne pas avoir à investir de capitaux dans l’achat et l’entretien de conteneurs ainsi que de ne pas avoir à se soucier de la livraison de conteneurs de grande qualité pour supporter ses activités de production. L’utilisation de conteneurs CHEP, continuellement recyclés dans la chaîne logistique, génère également d’importants avantages au niveau de l’environnement comparé au système à emballage perdu. La prolongation du contrat est conforme à la stratégie du constructeur automobile visant à limiter l’impact de ses activités sur l’environnement.
Rainer Sandow, vice-président de CHEP Automotive Europe, commente: "La décision de Jaguar Land Rover de continuer à utiliser le système de pooling CHEP est la preuve que les problèmes d’environnement sont d’une importance capitale pour le constructeur automobile. En plus des autres avantages tels que réduction des coûts et’efficacité accrue, CHEP offre une solution durable pour l’environnement comparée aux alternatives liées aux emballages perdus."
CHEP continuera à fournir les usines Jaguar Land Rover du Royaume-Uni, à Halewood, à Solihull et à Castle Bromwich. Jaguar Land Rover et CHEP collaborant depuis pas mal d’années déjà, cette prolongation de contrat implique qu’il n’y aura pas d’interruption dans les processus bien établis et dans l’infrastructure de support existante.
Et M. Sandow d’ajouter: “Nous sommes ravis que Jaguar Land Rover ait pris la décision de prolonger son contrat avec CHEP et nous sommes confiants que d’autres constructeurs automobiles et sous-traitants découvriront aussi les avantages liés à l’utilisation des services CHEP permettant de bénéficier d’une meilleure efficacité, d’une réduction des coûts et des avantages au niveau de l’environnement."
Grâce à la prolongation des ce contrat, CHEP aide Jaguar Land Rover à supporter sa stratégie visant à fournir un service supérieur, une excellence technologique et une croissance soutenue. Dans les mois et années à venir, Jaguar Land Rover prévoit une importante croissance dont bénéficieront également ses fournisseurs et ses partenaires.
June 2010: Website-infecting Trojan Becomes One of the Top Threats in Europe
In June, the regular monthly report mapping the most widespread computer threats has shown several emerging trends. One of the top threats spreading across almost in all European counties is a trojan infecting websites. Technically, it is a script injected into web pages, which automatically redirects visitors to IFRAME-infected websites, from which the script downloads and executes additional malicious code to unprotected computers.
The threat, classified by ESET as JS/TrojanDownloader.Pegel.BR, has claimed the fifth position in the global ranking, gaining a share of 2.29% of all computer threats detected on the computers of users of ESET NOD32 Antivirus and ESET Smart Security products. This result is based on data provided by the ESET ThreatSense.Net® statistical system.
The variants of the Win32/Conficker worm remain the most frequently occurring threat with a share 9.79%. One interesting thing about Conficker is its extremely high infection share in Ireland and Slovenia accounting for almost one third of all malware detected in the respective countries. Gaining high global shares are also the INF/Autorun class of threat (6.57%) and Win32/PSW.OnLineGames (4.26%). The fourth position is occupied by trojan variants from the Win32/Agent family, stealing sensitive user data from infected users (4.26%).
In the EMEA region, the threat landscape is dominated by the variants of Win32/Conficker with extremely high infection shares in Ireland (28.30%) and Slovenia (29.17%).
JS/TrojanDownloader.Pegel.BR appears in the top three ranking for the most frequently detected threats in almost all countries of the region, with particularly high shares in Austria (14.55%), United Kingdom (12.34%), Belgium (8.77%), the Czech Republic (10.16%), Denmark (11.87%), Norway (10.10%), Germany (9.16%), and Ireland (7.99%), as well as in Sweden (6.33%) and Slovakia (5.44%).
INF/Autorun is the top threat in Greece (5.98%) and in Slovakia (5.91%). In Israel, the local ranking is topped by a threat labeled as VBS/AutoRun.BX (7,05%).
In Russia, the second highest ranking behind Win32/Conficker belongs to a trojan dubbed Win32/Spy.Ursnif.A (7.54%), which harvests sensitive user data and exports it to remote computers.
About ESET
Founded in 1992, ESET is a global provider of security solutions for the home and business segment. The industry leader in proactive malware detection, ESET's NOD32 antivirus holds the world record for the number of Virus Bulletin "VB100 Awards," never to have missed a single “In-the-Wild” worm or virus since the inception of testing in 1998.
The threat, classified by ESET as JS/TrojanDownloader.Pegel.BR, has claimed the fifth position in the global ranking, gaining a share of 2.29% of all computer threats detected on the computers of users of ESET NOD32 Antivirus and ESET Smart Security products. This result is based on data provided by the ESET ThreatSense.Net® statistical system.
The variants of the Win32/Conficker worm remain the most frequently occurring threat with a share 9.79%. One interesting thing about Conficker is its extremely high infection share in Ireland and Slovenia accounting for almost one third of all malware detected in the respective countries. Gaining high global shares are also the INF/Autorun class of threat (6.57%) and Win32/PSW.OnLineGames (4.26%). The fourth position is occupied by trojan variants from the Win32/Agent family, stealing sensitive user data from infected users (4.26%).
In the EMEA region, the threat landscape is dominated by the variants of Win32/Conficker with extremely high infection shares in Ireland (28.30%) and Slovenia (29.17%).
JS/TrojanDownloader.Pegel.BR appears in the top three ranking for the most frequently detected threats in almost all countries of the region, with particularly high shares in Austria (14.55%), United Kingdom (12.34%), Belgium (8.77%), the Czech Republic (10.16%), Denmark (11.87%), Norway (10.10%), Germany (9.16%), and Ireland (7.99%), as well as in Sweden (6.33%) and Slovakia (5.44%).
INF/Autorun is the top threat in Greece (5.98%) and in Slovakia (5.91%). In Israel, the local ranking is topped by a threat labeled as VBS/AutoRun.BX (7,05%).
In Russia, the second highest ranking behind Win32/Conficker belongs to a trojan dubbed Win32/Spy.Ursnif.A (7.54%), which harvests sensitive user data and exports it to remote computers.
About ESET
Founded in 1992, ESET is a global provider of security solutions for the home and business segment. The industry leader in proactive malware detection, ESET's NOD32 antivirus holds the world record for the number of Virus Bulletin "VB100 Awards," never to have missed a single “In-the-Wild” worm or virus since the inception of testing in 1998.
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