
ESET Earns the Gold Award for Anti-Phishing Protection from AV-Comparatives

BRATISLAVA - ESET, the global leader in proactive digital protection with a record 10 years of consecutive VB100 awards for its ESET NOD32 technology, has earned the „Gold Award“ for anti-phishing protection from AV-Comparatives, an independent testing authority - as reported in their annual report.
Phishing websites attempt to steal money from their victims without making any changes to the computer or device being used to access them. A security product that warns of known/suspected phishing sites can protect the user from fraud,” states AV-Comparatives and continues that ESET flagship security product ESET Smart Security has blocked the most phishing websites in their tests – 99%.  “We found the interface of ESET Smart Security 7 to be excellent. The program is, in our opinion, very clear and easy to use, even on a touchscreen device,“ concludes AV-Comparatives it‘s analysis.
The advanced Anti-Phishing Module was been introduced in the sixth generation of ESET Smart Security with the latest, seventh version, offering enhanced anti-phishing protection.  Anti-Phishing technology protects you from attempts to acquire passwords, banking data and other sensitive information by fake websites masquerading as legitimate ones. The dedicated module includes an extended database of phishing sites as well as verified reports by users and partners.  The Anti-phishing database is updated by ESET regularly (users’ computers receive data about new phishing threats every 20 minutes) and this database includes information from our partners as well. Along this straightforward approach, ESET Anti-Phishing implements specific proactive algorithms. These inspect the visual design of websites in an effort to eliminate those acting as parasites on their genuine counterparts. This approach is used to detect for example fake internet banking forms.

 „Advanced Anti-Phishing module along with features like the Exploit Blocker, Vulnerability Shield or Advanced Memory Scanner is one of the key highlights of our ESET Smart Security 7 launched last year. Our research & development is working tirelessly on developing new technologies and features for our products to offer even better protection to our customers and we are happy to see those improvement being recognized by independent testing authorities,“ says ESET Chief Sales and Marketing Officer Ignacio Sbampato.

ESET Releases Next Generation ESET Mobile Security BETA With Anti-Theft Control Via Web

BRATISLAVA - ESET®, the global leader in proactive digital protection with a record 10 years of consecutive VB100 awards for its ESET NOD32® technology, is releasing for testing the next generation of ESET Mobile Security BETA for Android smartphones and tablets. The new BETA version has an improved user interface and full integration of Anti-Theft into the web interface of my.eset.com.

With the new feature, after registering on my.eset.com and pairing the device, the user will be able to remotely wipe all stored information including SD card; track device location; trigger remote siren; create front/back camera snapshots or send customizable on screen message to a potential finder. Moreover, if the device battery hits critical level, the last position is sent to my.eset.com. In addition, the new version of ESET Mobile Security BETA provides several engine improvements including On-charge Scan; ignore list for whitelisting threats; editable scan log and a host of fixes and improvements.

To test the latest ESET Mobile Security BETA and take advantage from extended Premium trial period, including exclusive giveaways and competitions, please join our Google+ Community page - ESET Mobile Applications BETA Testing.

Software AG launches first Innovation World 2014 Idea Contest for Universities worldwide

  • Software AG's University Relations department is inviting faculty members and students worldwide to develop an idea for this year’s Innovation World
  • The project should use the Software AG Suite with unrivaled data, integration and process platforms and illustrate them with a model in a tangible way
  • The winning team will receive up to $10,000 to fund the showcase project and will have the opportunity to present its project at Innovation World 2014 to top media representatives and industry leaders

Software AG's University Relations department has announced its first Innovation World 2014 Idea Contest for universities worldwide. The company has invited faculty members and students from universities everywhere to develop a concept describing the idea and a tangible model for a showcase to be presented at Innovation World 2014 from October 13th to 15th in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. The project should highlight Software AG's technology and demonstrate the software’s potential with regard to the four mega trends big data, mobile, social and cloud services in a tangible way. The winning team will receive up to $10,000 to help fund development of the showcase.
The Software AG product suite helps organizations achieve their business objectives faster. The company's big data, integration and business process management technologies enable customers to drive operational efficiency, modernize their systems and optimize processes for smarter decisions and better services. Faculty members and students from around the world are being called on to develop a compelling technology and business model in order to demonstrate the solid benefits that companies can gain from Software AG's portfolio. The winning model will be demonstrated at Innovation World 2014 and presented to the Innovation World audience by the students.
To get an impression of what a showcase could look like, check out the winning showcases from our previous CeBIT Idea Contests.
This year's contest is now open, and interested parties can enter by email at university@softwareag.com by February 28th, 2014. The concept must be submitted by April 17th, 2014. The winning team will be notified by May 1st, 2014 and will receive up to $10,000 to fund the showcase project. They will present it at Innovation World 2014 on October 13-15, 2014.

For all other information, conditions and application forms, please go to the Innovation World 2014 Idea Contest website.


Europese ruimtemissie brengt Melkweg in kaart met Big Data database op basis van Intersystems Caché technologie

Met succes gelanceerde Gaia-satelliet seint meetgegevens door voor analyse van tienduizend data objecten per seconde naar Spaanse onderzoekscentrum van ESA

Madrid, januari 2014 — InterSystems Caché® is door European Space Agency  (ESA) gekozen als snelle objectgeoriënteerde databasesysteem voor de opvang van de stroom Big Data, gegenereerd tijdens de Gaia-missie ten behoeve van wetenschappelijk onderzoek rond het Melkweg stelsel. Het doel van de missie is om de positie van één miljard sterren te registreren. Aan de hand van die gegevens wordt een 3D-weergave van de ruimte gemaakt. Daarmee zijn nieuwe inzichten te verwerven over het ontstaan van ons Melkweg-stelsel.
Gedurende de komende vijf jaar zal de Gaia-satelliet 10 keer volledige de ruimte aftasten en met grote nauwkeurigheid de positie, de beweging en de variaties in helderheid van de sterren vastleggen. Naar verwachting  zullen er enige honderdduizenden nieuwe hemellichamen worden waargenomen, waaronder planeten buiten ons zonnestelsel en ook objecten die noch ster, noch planeet zijn, zoals dwergplaneten en gasplaneten. Verder zal Gaia meer dan  1 miljoen stukken materie in de ruimte (asteroïden en kometen) in ons zonnestelsel detecteren.

Vanwege het hoge volume aan te verzamelen en te analyseren data, heeft de ESA-missie  behoefte aan IT-voorzieningen met extreem hoge databaseprestaties. Het Europese astronomiecentrum van ESA in Madrid selecteerde Intersystems Caché om de massale stroom van meetgegevens van de satelliet op te slaan en te analyseren. ”Met Caché realiseren we superieure prestaties en schaalbaarheid in vergelijking tot andere databases. Per seconde kunnen we tienduizenden Java objecten direct in Caché laden en behouden we de mogelijkheid SQL-queries op die data los te laten”, aldus William O’Mullane, wetenschappelijk operationeel manager van de Gaia-missie.

 “De Gaia-missie wordt beschouwd als het meest omvangrijke IT-project binnen de sterrenkunde. InterSystem bevindt zich met Caché in de bevoorrechte positie mee te werken aan een veeleisend Big Data project met uitzonderlijk hoge datavolumes, extreme eisen aan de snelheid van laden en lezen daarvan en heel veel variaties in type data. Wij zijn heel blij met de keuze van ESA”, aldus Jordi Calvera, directeur InterSystems  Spanje.

Actuele informatie over de Gaia-missie  is te vinden op het ESA blog http://sci.esa.int/gaia/.

Over European Space Agency
 ESA is opgericht door 18 lidstaten. Door de activiteiten in de ruimtevaart, zowel op economisch gebied als qua inzet van intellectuele bronnen op elkaar af te stemmen, zijn de lidstaten gezamenlijk tot meer in staat dan wanneer elk land zich afzonderlijk met de materie bezig houdt.  Het doel is om op een zorgvuldige manier Europese ruimtevaartontwikkelingen in gang te zetten, zodat de Europese burgers zich verzekerd weten dat elke investering in de ruimte hen voordeel oplevert. Voor aanvullende informatie:  www.ESA.int.

Software AG Belux renforce son équipe avec Caspar de Jager, nouveau regional sales manager

 Software AG (FRA: SOW), leader mondial en Business Process Excellence, annonce que Caspar de Jager vient renforcer l’équipe de Software AG Belux en tant que regional sales manager.

Caspar de Jager (44 ans), qui est entré en fonction début janvier, possède 20 ans d’expérience acquise dans diverses fonctions de vente et de management dans plusieurs entreprises du secteur TIC.

En 1995, après des études d’économie à l’université de Groningen (Pays-Bas), il commence à travailler dans le marketing TIC. Plus tard, il rejoint Alcatel-Lucent, d’abord comme business development manager, ensuite comme patron de l’équipe «solutions sales Benelux» pour devenir directeur de grand compte. En 2010, il entre chez Freemind, un intégrateur spécialisé en monitoring et contrôle ainsi qu’en business process management. Entretemps, Caspar de Jager a obtenu une certification “Certified BPM Expert” de la Vlerick Business School.

“Je suis très heureux de travailler chez Software AG Belux. Depuis que j’ai fait connaissance avec l’entreprise, je suis toujours plus impressionné par sa stratégie, son portefeuille et son organisation professionnelle. Et ce dans le domaine qui me passionne, «la transformation de l’entreprise soutenue par la technologie». Ma tâche, tout comme celle de mes collègues, consistera à aider nos clients existants et nouveaux à être encore plus performants grâce à l’utilisation de notre technologie,” explique Caspar de Jager.