
Individual arrested in connection with high-profile data at Sage

The City of London Police has confirmed the arrest of a 32-year-old employee in connection with a high-profile data breach at Sage.
The woman was apprehended at Heathrow Airport, as part of the force’s “ongoing fraud investigation” into the incident at the accounting and payroll software company.
This arrest all but confirms that the unauthorized access to Sage’s systems was as a result of internal security shortcomings.
In announcing that an incident had taken place earlier this week, Sage had revealed that access to data had occurred as a result of an internal login.
As has been reported, the data breach – or data leak to be more specific – may have affected around 280 businesses.
This latest data leak goes to highlight how commonplace these security incidents are becoming, drawing further attention to the importance of good cybersecurity.
Not only are their internal threats, there are also external ones too. For example, the recent spate of data breaches at well-known companies like LinkedIn and Tumblr resulted in a spike in online fraudulent activity.
This resulted in the Internet Crime Complaint Center issuing a public service announcement in June, warning people to be vigilant in the face of opportunistic fraudsters.
In partnership with Get Safe Online, the City of London Police is today (Thursday 18th) taking to the streets of the UK’s capital to raise awareness of online safety.
Detective Inspector Katie Balls said: “Cybercrime is constantly on the rise and we need to do everything we can to stop online criminals from taking advantage of people in the city.”

She later added: “It has been predicted that 80% of fraud and cybercrime is preventable if individuals and businesses follow simple advice.”


Nemucod now spreading banking trojans in Brazil

On the morning of Friday August 12th, ESET researchers noticed a huge outbreak of a new Spy.Banker variant, detected as Spy.Banker.ADEA. It happened at around 12pm CET.
This new variant is similar to previous ones used by other banking trojans in South America. During execution, the malware checks if the system’s settings are in Portuguese and proceeds with the injection of the banker’s payload.
The banking trojan spreads along with two modified versions of a popular utility software, which are used to extract usernames and passwords from browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera), as well as credentials for local email clients like Outlook. For that, it uses emails with attached files that contain a variant of JS/Danger.ScriptAttachment, whose purpose is to download and execute other malware in the system.
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Why security is a transversal issue for video games development

How many times in the field of software development have we heard that safety must be considered from the outset to the release  – and subsequent maintenance – of the app or program in question? Hundreds, right?

Fortunately, developers have understood this fundamental concept for programming, especially those who write code for operating systems or for critical applications used in business and everyday life.
However, there is a category of software that, while not new, in recent years has grown rapidly, generating more and more revenue, and where security is also a key priority. We are talking about video games; an industry that makes billions of US dollars per year, with hundreds of millions of active players, and still it seems to have no limit.
Since gamescom 2016 is around the corner in Germany and it is one of the three most important video gaming events in the world, ESET will be there and we think this is a good time to talk about security in video game development. While we waited for the event, we interviewed professional gamers from different countries to learn about their security expertise; now, the time has come to consider other aspects related.
We interviewed Andrés Rossi, CEO of Sismogames - an Argentine company that develops video games for social networks such as Facebook and mobile devices, a niche market that was in 2015 worth $1.97 billion in the US alone.

Theft, threats and scams in the gaming world

First, we asked Andrés his opinion and experience regarding the different types of security incidents he has come across during his career in game development. "Over the years, I have seen all sorts of incidents, from payment-card frauds, to cyberattacks targeting gamers and the subsequent claim of prizes, to exploitation of servers just for the sake of playing", he described.

[blockquote_right]“What I see most frequently are players who leave their accounts open in machines that do not belong to them.”[/blockquote_right]

However, these are by no means the most frequent incidents he usually faces. "Irresponsible as it may seem, what I see most frequently are players who leave their accounts open in machines that do not belong to them, they just leave without logging off or erasing their private data,” he elaborated.

“On the other hand, there are also many flash drives or file attachments with malware going around from hand to hand. Recently, I have seen a proliferation of these cases as if we had gone back ten years in time.”

The importance of IT security for game development

In this profession, thinking about the safety of new games is a must in the daily routine.
[blockquote_right]I think there is a lot of ignorance among video game developers regarding security implementation.”[/blockquote_right]
"I think there is a lot of ignorance among video game developers regarding security implementation,” Andrés continued. “Take Sony, which had its online PlayStation platform compromised. There is quite a lot of work to do.
“The problem is that there are so many games that, as is to be expected, the challenge is still only focused on the largest and most famous game companies".
It is clear to all connoisseurs of this issue that IT security permeates every area of software development. But specifically within video games, "it must be considered from the very moment you start gathering information from your players, such as their email account or Facebook credentials, and even more so when your business model involves the purchase of premium items or virtual currencies".
As Andrés mentioned, we must never forget that all this in-app purchase structure could be compromised, in which case it would be exposing the players' sensitive data, such as their credit card numbers. Bearing this in mind, each developer can implement the measures he considers appropriate for the type of game and platform in order to prevent data breaches and information theft.

Security and video games – two industries working towards taking care of people's data and passions

We now know that security is a vital part of the video game industry, especially with the proliferation of MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) and MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game), video game genres that require an internet connection to work.
However, we still have to find out how, in this context, the IT security industry can get more involved in this market and collaborate closely with video game creators. "It's an excellent question,” Andrés noted.
“It is essential that we build case studies to show people the risks involved and the measures that can be taken. The first step is to continue educating and raising awareness, disclosing case examples, and speaking clearly about the economic impact on the gaming industry, so that security starts to be taken into consideration in the new projects.”
In this article, we have learned about the most common security incidents in the video game industry, as well as the current status of security in the gaming world, and how both game developers and security companies can work together to further increase the protection levels of the systems used by gamers.
We hope that gamers and companies make their best effort so that those who want to play can do so without worrying, and those who want to commit crimes have to face growing obstacles to achieve their malicious purposes.

Santiago Sassone
Senior Corporate Communications Specialist
Images credits: ©Dave Allen/Flickr


QuadRooter: Unfortunately, you can’t have it patched for now

Soon after the discovery of the QuadRooter vulnerability, a remedy appeared on the Google Play app store. Unfortunately, neither of the two apps named “Fix Patch QuadRooter” by Kiwiapps Ltd. would patch the Android system. Already pulled from Google Play on ESET’s notice, these apps were malicious, serving their victims with unwanted ads. On top of that, one of them required payment (costing 0.99 EUR).
In connection with this discovery, we put a few questions to Lukáš Štefanko, an ESET researcher specializing in Android malware.
How big a deal are those two fake patch apps you discovered?
In terms of the harm they’ve caused, it was marginal. They only reached a limited number of downloads and even those who ran them didn’t experience anything terrible. Those apps simply served their victims with ads. That’s all the harm – apart from that one-euro charge for those who opted for the paid version.
However, this is the first time we’ve seen this type of cover specifically for mobile malware. To be clear, in the past we have seen this technique used in the world of Windows. In that instance, hackers tricked online stores into installing a fake security patch for a critical vulnerability in the Magento ecommerce platform. That so-called “ShopLift bug” allowed attackers to easily gain admin access to vulnerable e-stores. One of the attacks – opened one full year after the vulnerability was patched – relied on a fake patch that delivered malware, which then exploited the very bug that it was supposed to be fixing.
Well then, mimicking a patch may be a believable cover …
Yes, and that is what’s really interesting; it targets a new audience – those who do care about the security of their system.
In the Android ecosystem, the most common covers for malicious apps are connected to popular games: free versions, tutorials, cheats … Quite frankly, security is not a top priority for those who fall victim in such cases.
Do you expect the bad guys will start using fake patches on a massive scale?
Hopefully not. However, we should make people aware of this threat.
What worries me, for example, is that fake patches – on top of having the potential to really attract users’ attention – have a valid reason to require every possible permission.
“If an app promises to make a fix within your system, it’s a scam. Period.”
And that’s true – if they are supposed to fix the system, no one would complain about excessive rights … The problem is that people don’t know that an app can’t act as a system patch.
If an app promises to make a fix within your system, it’s a scam. Period.
Please, could you highlight this in your article?
Yes, it will scream from the page. Hopefully, it’ll work. By the way, how can users fix QuadRooter vulnerabilities if fake patches don’t work?
What’s important is that QuadRooter needs to be delivered in the form of an app. It’s a threat only if you have “Unknown Sources” enabled in your settings and manually install an app from some untrusted source. On the other hand, if you have Android’s “Verify Apps” feature enabled –enabled by default in all Android versions since 4.2 Jelly Bean– you are protected. When trying to install an app using the QuadRooter exploit, Android would display the “Installation has been blocked” message – and leave you with no option to ignore the threat and install the app anyway.
That’s fine, but it’s kind of a last line of defense while having the system vulnerable, at least technically, right?
You are right, but patching is not an easy thing in the Android ecosystem.
A true patch has been prepared by Android developers for three of those four vulnerabilities, the remaining one being under current development. And as for patching your system, it depends on your device’s manufacturer. For the foreseeable future, most users will have to rely on the Verify Apps line of defense …
… and not fall victim to some contextual attack.
True. Look, you often face news about a staggering number of endangered users. But the real importance of a threat often has nothing to do with those numbers. If you stick with the very basic rules for safe behavior, you are reasonably safe.
That said, over time you should observe and learn new lessons. The actual one here is if an app promises to make any fix to your system, it’s a scam.

Talend gepositioneerd als “leider” in Gartner Magic Quadrant voor Data Integratie Tools

Bedrijf gekenmerkt als “leider”op basis van ‘compleetheid in van visie’ en ‘uitvoerend vermogen’

Talend,(Nasdaq:TLND) een “wereldleider” in oplossingen voor big data en cloud integratie, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het door Gartner, Inc. is uitgeroepen tot “ leider “ in data integratie. Dat blijkt uit het rapport “2016 Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools”[1].

Opvallend is dat Talend de eerste open source-leverancier is die deze eer te beurt valt. Hun positie in het kwadrant is significant verbeterd in vergelijking met 2015, nu Talend verder naar rechts is opgeschoven op basis van compleetheid in visie en uitvoerend vermogen. Kijk voor een gratis exemplaar van Gartner’s volledige rapport op . http://bit.ly/1Ddgprv.

Volgens Gartner “ De grootste veranderingen in de markt zijn vanaf 2015 toegenomen.De vraag naar data virtualisatie, het toenemende gebruik van data integratie-tools zijn te combineren “ datalakes “ met bestaande integratieoplossingen.De algemene verwachting is,dat data-integratie  cloud en “ on-premises-agnostic” zal worden.

“Voor het eerst in vijf jaar wordt in het Gartner Magic Quandrant voor data integratie een nieuw bedrijf gepositioneerd als “”Leider “, zegt Mike Tuchen, CEO van Talend. “Wij zijn erg trots op deze prestatie, die in mijn ogen representatief is voor een bredere verschuiving in de markt met de introductie van nieuwe cloud- en big data-platformen. Terwijl sommige gevestigde namen zich langzaam hebben aangepast, heeft Talend deze technologieën volledig omarmd. Vandaag de dag leveren wij een overtuigende oplossing voor organisaties die datagedreven willen worden.”

Gartner schat dat de markt voor data integratie tools eind 2015 ongeveer 2,8 miljard dollar waard was, een stijging van 10,5 procent in vergelijking met de situatie eind 2014. Data integratie omvat de processen, architecturale technieken en tools die data uit het hele spectrum van informatietypen binnen de onderneming en daarbuiten verzamelt, transformeert, combineert en beschikbaar stelt. Dat alles om tegemoet te komen aan de behoefte aan data voor alle toepassingen en bedrijfsprocessen.1

Talend Data Integration, onderdeel van het Talend Data Fabric-platform, biedt een gemakkelijk te gebruiken set van gestandaardiseerde tools om al uw data te verzamelen, opschonen, maskeren en profileren, onafhankelijk van de bron waaruit ze komen. Dat stelt bedrijven in staat om data sneller om te zetten in beslissingen. Om voorop te kunnen blijven lopen in de huidige markt die steeds competitiever wordt, moeten bedrijven kunnen handelen op basis van concrete inzichten.Talend’s oplossing voor integratie wordt gebruikt door meer dan 1300 klanten in de hele wereld. Daaronder bevinden zich verschillende bedrijven uit de Fortune 100, actief in consumentenproducten, gezondheidszorg, industrie, credit card-en financiële dienstverlening.

Over het Magic Quadrant
Gartner doet geen enkele aanbeveling voor een leverancier, product of dienst die onderwerp is van de onderzoeksrapporten. Ook verstrekt het geen advies aan gebruikers van technologie om alleen te kiezen voor de leveranciers met de hoogste waardering of andere betiteling. De onderzoeksrapporten van Gartner zijn samengesteld uit de opinies van Gartner’s onderzoeksorganisaties en moeten niet worden opgevat als vaststaande feiten. Gartner is niet aansprakelijk voor beweringen in dit onderzoek, expliciet of impliciet vermeld, inclusief alle beweringen over de verkoopbaarheid of geschiktheid van technologieën voor bepaalde toepassingen.