
Will your Swiss email account stay private (or can the government take a look)?

Governments have struggled for years to find a balance between security and privacy, especially with electronic communications. Parading the argument “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear” in campaign variations worldwide, they argue that more open and seamless methods of finding bad guys’ communications would speed up rooting out those with nefarious intent.
“Once backdoors are purposefully baked into a technology, no one can be sure of the honest intentions of those with the keys.”
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and a host of other organizations, now including the folks at Swiss-based encrypted email provider ProtonMail, have argued otherwise. They say once backdoors are purposefully baked into a technology, no one can be sure of the honest intentions of those with the keys. Also, they argue that those actions would erode trust in a communication vendor, so users would not have to wonder IF anyone has access, but WHO. And since they believe trusted backdoor access is a slippery slope to more potential abuse, the answer is a rather firm “no”.
And while the EU has risen up rather stalwartly on the side of privacy, with troubling international events unfolding recently in France and elsewhere, the conversations again bubble to the surface, with questions about providers knowingly providing something of an impenetrable shield for some element of the bad guys’ plans via secure and private email.
To address this global erosion, folks have, digitally speaking, flocked to Switzerland. Here they can benefit from secure, encrypted email, and feel comfortable in the knowledge that these servers are based in a country enjoying a historically politically neutral and privacy-focused climate. But while your private Swiss bank account is now coming under fire internationally, now so too might your email account be on the global hit list.
But can the pro-privacy crowd mobilize? Last week, the crew at ProtonMail mobilized their customer and fan base and gathered more than 70,000 signatures opposing the Nachrichtendienstgesetzt (NDG) or la Loi sur le renseignement (Lrens) legislation. The result is that they have forced the privacy issue to a public vote, arguing that these decisions should be made based on public – not simply political – will.
Here in the US we have been trying to explain to our Congress critters the technical background surrounding far-reaching privacy issues for years. And while there has been some progress along the way, these Swiss efforts highlight an attempt to turn the tables and give the decision directly back to the public. And while some do indeed feel they have nothing to hide/fear by letting governments take a look, the overwhelming number of signatures gathered in Switzerland suggests otherwise.
Globally there is often still due process required; meaning something like a judge-ordered warrant would be required to legally attain access to your communications. Still, many feel the governmental temptation to overreach in certain exceptional (or less than exceptional) cases may prove too strong, and if there are technical means, some amount of governmental sorting through your email might occur unbeknownst to you.
For years now, communication providers (especially in the area of email), like Lavabit and a host of others who lean toward privacy, have sought politically and legally favorable places to do business as they intend. When they feel the environment in their home country becomes too unfavorable, they often look to Switzerland. ProtonMail’s marshaling of the troops sends an interesting signal to the Swiss government (and others watching closely) that they believe the people would prefer to have a say, and believe they’ll vote to keep things private. We’ll see.

ESET Examines Windows Exploitations That Emerged in 2015

ESET®, a global pioneer in proactive protection for more than two decades, today publishes its annual report Windows Exploitation in 2015. In this report ESET analyzes the major vulnerabilities of Microsoft Windows that have occurred in the past 12 months, highlighting new security features introduced in Windows, web browsers and Microsoft’s Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit.

The main goal in writing this report on Windows exploitations is to notify ESET’s customers and users worldwide about the importance of installing updates to fix various unpatched vulnerabilities,” said Artem Baranov, Malware Researcher at ESET Russia.
Compared to the results from 2014, the number of patched vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows components quadrupled in 2015. The most patched item remained Internet Explorer, followed by Windows’ User Mode Components (UMC).

The report provides readers with statistics about the most significant vulnerabilities, including Hacking Team. It also describes the most common approaches used by exploitations, such as drive-by downloads, Local Privilege Escalation (LPE) or use-after-free (UAF) attacks. The report offers useful insights into the latest mitigation techniques that Microsoft has introduced to Google Chrome and Edge.  

More detailed information is available on WeLiveSecurity.com. The full Windows Exploitation in 2015 report is available for download from the White Paper section on WeLiveSecurity.com.


Software AG Closes 2015 with a Record Quarter

Digital Business Platform license revenue up 23 percent in Q4
·         Impact of Go-to-Market transformation drives improvements in all key performance parameters
·         Strong Adabas & Natural customer retention leads to stable maintenance revenue
·         Highest Group maintenance revenue in company’s history, 10 percent up year-on-year
·         Digital cloud market gains further relevance
·         Operating earnings exceed outlook 2015
·         Operating margin sets new historic record in Q4
·         2016 Outlook with strong digital business growth

 [If not stated otherwise, all figures rounded including potential currency impacts.]

 Software AG (Frankfurt TecDAX: SOW) announced its preliminary financial figures (IFRS, preliminary) for the fourth quarter and the full year 2015. The company’s new Go-to-Market strategy had a positive impact on all key performance parameters. In the fourth quarter of the year, the Group set several new records: The Digital Business Platform reported a license increase of 23 percent, while its maintenance improved by 10 percent. Additionally, Software AG increased cloud bookings in 2015 by more than 130 percent.
Adabas & Natural showed the lowest decline in four years as A&N-based applications remained highly relevant for customers, supported by Software AG’s strong customer focus and innovative product developments.
With a rise in total revenues of 4 percent in Q4, the Group managed once again to increase its profitability over-proportionately: Both the operating earnings margin (EBITA, non-IFRS) at 36 percent as well as the EBIT margin (IFRS) at 31 percent set two new historic record levels. For the full year, the operating earnings margin reached 30 percent, exceeding the outlook (28 to 29 percent), already raised three months ago. 
Driven by the positive developments in the fourth quarter, Software AG successfully closed the 2015 financial year with revenue and earnings growth. For 2016, the company is well positioned to further accelerate this profitable growth.

"The fourth quarter results underscore the huge market potential of our Digital Business Platform and confirm our undisputed technology leadership“, said Karl-Heinz Streibich, CEO of Software AG. “Our excellent product portfolio, the great progress in our Go-to-Market transformation, strong Adabas & Natural customer base retention, and continued efficiency improvements are the core reasons for our strong upwards trend, which is expected to continue in 2016 and beyond. The operational improvements and corresponding successes that we have seen over the past year have indeed matured from a quarter-by-quarter development into a real growth trend.”
“In the past quarter, we lifted Software AG’s profitability to a new level through organic growth and focused process optimization", said CFO Arnd Zinnhardt. "For the future, we are optimally positioned and expect to further increase our company value.”

New Wave of Cyber Attacks Hits Ukrainian Power Industry

ESET®, a global pioneer in IT security for more than two decades, has uncovered a new wave of attacks against electricity distribution companies in Ukraine. Previously, the attackers have managed to cause massive power outages in several regions in Ukraine in late December 2015. Interestingly, the malware that was used this time is not the infamous BlackEnergy.

The attack scenario itself hasn’t changed much from previous campaigns. The attackers sent spear-phishing emails to potential victims. The emails contained an attachment with a malicious XLS file, and also HTML content with a link to a .PNG file located on a remote server, so that the attackers would get a notification that the email had been delivered and opened by the target.

“We expected to see the BlackEnergy malware as the final payload, but a different malware was used this time. The attackers used modified versions of an open-source backdoor,” explains Robert Lipovsky, Malware Researcher at ESET.
This backdoor is able to download executables and execute shell-commands. Other backdoor functionality of the malware used - such as making screenshots, keylogging, or uploading files - was removed from the source code. The backdoor is controlled by attackers using a Gmail account, which makes it difficult to detect such traffic in the network.

The malware attacks on the Ukrainian energy sector have gained a lot of publicity as they caused or enabled (the role of the malware remains to be figured out in detail) a massive power outage, probably the world’s first as the result of such an attack.
“We currently have no evidence that would indicate who is behind these attacks and to attempt attribution by simple deduction based on the current political situation might bring us to the correct answer, or it might not. The current discovery does not bring us any closer to uncovering the origins of the attacks in Ukraine. On the contrary, it reminds us to avoid jumping to rash conclusions,” concludes Robert Lipovsky, Malware Researcher at ESET.

Read more at ESET’s WeLiveSecurity blog about this recent non-BlackEnergy attack and about the malware attack that left hundreds of thousand people in Ukraine without electricity: here is a technical blogpost and here is an interview with ESET’s Robert Lipovsky putting the event in context.

ESET’s agentloze oplossing voor VMware vShield omgeving verhindert op efficiĆ«nte wijze storende AV stormen

ESET®, al meer dan twee decennia wereldwijd pionier in proactieve bescherming, meldt vandaag dat zijn ESET Virtualization Security wereldwijd beschikbaar is. De gloednieuwe agentloze oplossing voor VMware vShield is een combinatie van de ESET Virtualization Security toepassing met ESET Remote Administrator wat resulteert in een bekroonde scanningmotor met een bewezen besturing.

Volgens de Magic Quadrant 2015 van Gartner (1) “zijn 75% van de taken uitgevoerd door x86 gevirtualiseerd.” Virtualisatie biedt bedrijven talloze voordelen maar als de aangepaste bescherming op de virtuele systemen ontbreekt kan dit veel gevaarlijker zijn dan men denkt.

ESET Virtualization Security werd ontwikkeld om gevoelige data te beschermen en problemen op te lossen die bedrijven kunnen hebben als ze virtualisatie gaan gebruiken – zoals onbeschermde virtuele servers, de noodzaak om talloze vendors te raadplegen om de fysieke en virtuele omgevingen te beschermen, een potentiĆ«le impact op de prestaties, of ingewikkelde licentieprocessen.

“ESET Virutalization Security kwam tot stand voor virtuele omgevingen, wat betekent dat deze GUI-loze toepassing het gemakkelijk kan uitgerold, geparametreerd en beheerd worden. Door zijn welbekende uiterst geringe systeemimpact is het de ideale oplossing om AV storms te vermijden,” zegt Marc Mutelet, CEO van MGK Technologies, exclusief distributeur van ESET voor BelgiĆ« en Luxemburg. “Bovendien is ESET Virutalization Security gemakkelijk te besturen dankzij ESET Remote Administrator, waarmee systeembestuurders onbeperkt toegang krijgen ongeacht plaats of tijd.”

ESET Virtulization Security is compatibel met VMware vSphere 5.0 + met geĆÆnstalleerde vCloud Networking and Security. Het is consistent met de nieuwste generatie ESET business producten en web gebaseerde console ESET Remote Administrator.

Verneem meer over ESET Virtualization Security en bezoek www.eset.com